We are all much more aware of how our energy usage can adversely affect the environment, and many people are looking to use more renewable energy sources. One such method is to install solar panels on your roof.
There are some considerations to bear in mind when installing solar panels on a flat roof. The array of panels needs to be pitched to ensure it captures as much energy from the sun as possible, as well as needing to be able to self-clean when it rains, and also avoid damage in high winds.
What are the benefits of flat roof solar systems?
As well as installation considerations, there are many benefits to be aware of too:
• Flat roofs provide easy access and plenty of room for installation and maintenance
• This type of system is rarely visible from the street. So neighbours are less likely to complain about it being an eyesore.
• You can receive the government’s Feed-in Tariff if your system is installed by an MCS certified company.
• You can choose from several different types of solar panel.
• It provides you with a greener, more sustainable, form of energy.
Do you need planning permission for flat roof solar panels?
Generally speaking, you should not need planning permission, as long as your installer follows a specific set of guidelines, as laid out by your local council, but it is strongly advised to contact your area’s Local Planning Authority to ensure you are doing everything correctly.