While flat roofing certainly represents excellent value for money, it’s important to remember that nothing lasts forever and it can pay to be familiar with issues that may appear over time that could mean your flat roof needs either repair work carried out or to be replaced entirely.
Look out for cracks and splits in the felt of your roof and make sure you have these repaired as soon as you can, since if they’re left they will get worse and allow water to be absorbed by the material beneath, which can make your roof unsafe to walk on.
If you notice that the cracks or splits have spread across the entire surface of the felt, it’s too late for small repairs to be carried out and it is likely that the roof will need replacing.
Something else to look out for is bubbles and blisters in the roof material, which generally happens as a result of adhesion failure, with the bubbles filling up with air or water. This can be repaired if caught early enough but, again, if you leave it, you’ll likely have to replace the roof.
Checking your roof over regularly also means you can see if you have any standing water anywhere. Over time, if this is left to its own devices, it can lead to cracks, which will eventually let water in. And, again, if you notice any moss or algae growth, this is a sign that there’s something wrong, something that will need to be addressed sooner rather than later.
Looking for flat roof specialists in Manchester? Get in touch with A&B Roofing today.